- 35 results
Search results
D. Bintsarovskyi
- The Neo-Calvinism Research Institute - Research Associate
- Vulnerability and Hope - Research Associate
Person: Academic
E.A. de Boer
- Centre for Dutch Reformation Studies - Full Professor
- The Neo-Calvinism Research Institute - Full Professor
- Vulnerability and Hope - Full Professor
Person: Academic
H.W. den Boer
- The Neo-Calvinism Research Institute - Standard PhD Candidate
- Vulnerability and Hope - Standard PhD Candidate
Person: PhD Student
A.L.Th. de Bruijne
- The Neo-Calvinism Research Institute - Full Professor
- Vulnerability and Hope - Full Professor
Person: Academic
J.N. Couprie-van Hall
- The Neo-Calvinism Research Institute - Coördinator Expertisecentrum Onderwijs & Identiteit
- Expertisecentrum Onderwijs en Identiteit - Support Staff
- Vulnerability and Hope - Coördinator Expertisecentrum Onderwijs & Identiteit
Person: Academic
G. Harinck
- The Neo-Calvinism Research Institute - University Professor
- Vulnerability and Hope - University Professor
Person: Academic
Sabine Hiebsch
- Centre for Dutch Reformation Studies - University Professor
- The Neo-Calvinism Research Institute - University Professor
- Vulnerability and Hope - University Professor
Person: Academic
W. Huttinga
- The Neo-Calvinism Research Institute - Research Associate
- Expertisecentrum Onderwijs en Identiteit - Research Associate
- Vulnerability and Hope - Research Associate
Person: Academic
H. Jochemsen
- The Neo-Calvinism Research Institute - Endowed Professor
- Vulnerability and Hope - Endowed Professor
Person: Academic
J.M. de Jong
- The Neo-Calvinism Research Institute - Assistant Professor
- Vulnerability and Hope - Assistant Professor
Person: Academic
D. van Keulen
- The Neo-Calvinism Research Institute - Research Associate
- Vulnerability and Hope - Research Associate
Person: Academic
J. Kim
- The Neo-Calvinism Research Institute - Contract PhD Candidate
- Vulnerability and Hope - Contract PhD Candidate
Person: PhD Student
J.C. Klok
- Centre for Dutch Reformation Studies - Associate Professor
- The Neo-Calvinism Research Institute - Associate Professor
- Vulnerability and Hope - Associate Professor
Person: Academic
Marius de Kok
- The Neo-Calvinism Research Institute - Standard PhD Candidate
- Vulnerability and Hope - Standard PhD Candidate
Person: PhD Student
R. Kuiper
- The Neo-Calvinism Research Institute - Full Professor
- Expertisecentrum Onderwijs en Identiteit - Full Professor
- Vulnerability and Hope - Full Professor
Person: Academic
T.W. van Laar-Jochemsen
- The Neo-Calvinism Research Institute - Standard PhD Candidate
- Expertisecentrum Onderwijs en Identiteit - Standard PhD Candidate
- Vulnerability and Hope - Standard PhD Candidate
Person: PhD Student, Academic
A.E. Lorein
- The Neo-Calvinism Research Institute - Standard PhD Candidate
- Vulnerability and Hope - Standard PhD Candidate
Person: PhD Student
L.J. Oosterhof-van Bruggen
- The Neo-Calvinism Research Institute - Standard PhD Candidate
- Vulnerability and Hope - Standard PhD Candidate
Person: PhD Student
L. Pasterkamp
- The Neo-Calvinism Research Institute - Standard PhD Candidate
- Vulnerability and Hope - Standard PhD Candidate
Person: PhD Student
A. Potappel
- The Neo-Calvinism Research Institute - Standard PhD Candidate
- Vulnerability and Hope - Standard PhD Candidate
Person: PhD Student
G.J. Schutte
- The Neo-Calvinism Research Institute - Standard PhD Candidate
- Vulnerability and Hope - Standard PhD Candidate
Person: PhD Student
J. van der Stoep
- The Neo-Calvinism Research Institute - Associate Professor, Endowed Professor
- Vulnerability and Hope - Associate Professor, Endowed Professor
Person: Academic
M. van der Stoep
- The Neo-Calvinism Research Institute - Standard PhD Candidate
- Vulnerability and Hope - Standard PhD Candidate
Person: PhD Student
B.M. Vreugdenhil-Tolsma
- The Neo-Calvinism Research Institute - Standard PhD Candidate
- Expertisecentrum Onderwijs en Identiteit - Standard PhD Candidate
- Vulnerability and Hope - Standard PhD Candidate
Person: PhD Student, Academic
W.C. de Vries
- The Neo-Calvinism Research Institute - Assistant Professor
- Vulnerability and Hope - Assistant Professor
Person: Academic
A.W. Wienen
- The Neo-Calvinism Research Institute - Research Associate
- Expertisecentrum Onderwijs en Identiteit - Research Associate
- Vulnerability and Hope - Research Associate
Person: Academic