Geen onfeilbare Dordtse Kerkorde van 1619: George Frans Gezelle Meerburg en de ontwikkelingen na de Afscheiding van 1834

Translated title of the contribution: No infallible Dordt Church Order of 1619: George Frans Gezelle Meerburg and Developments after the 1834 Secession

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review


No infallible Dordt Church Order of 1619: George Frans Gezelle Meerburg and the church order struggle after the 1834 Secession

This article tries to find an answer to the question why George F. Gezelle Meerburg (1806-1855) took an independent position in the church orderly developments of the Secession (Afscheiding) of 1834. He was pastor in the Province of Noord-Brabant and the Seceders in this province considered him as their religious and church orderly leader. A biography on Gezelle Meerburg is included to understand better his position in the church orderly developments of the Seceded Church. He was not a strong leader, a great organizer or an inspiring entrepreneur, like some of his colleagues. Still, being more a strong preacher with a not so strong physical condition, he was not shy about taking position. A proof of this is his Brabant Church Order of 1843.
Translated title of the contributionNo infallible Dordt Church Order of 1619: George Frans Gezelle Meerburg and Developments after the 1834 Secession
Original languageDutch
Pages (from-to)94-115
Number of pages22
JournalDNK Documentatieblad voor de Nederlandse kerkgeschiedenis na 1800
Issue number100
Publication statusPublished - 4 Jul 2024


  • George Frans Gezelle Meerburg
  • Dordt Church Order of 1619
  • Secession of 1834
  • Brabant Church Order of 1843
  • Hendrik Pieter Scholte
  • Brabant
  • synod


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