title = "Trouver le message th{\'e}ologique des livres de l{\textquoteright}Ancien Testament: Plaidoyer en faveur d{\textquoteright}une prise en compte du contexte historico-r{\'e}dempteur",
keywords = "Heilshistorie",
author = "G. Kwakkel",
note = "Vertaling van: 'On Finding the Theological Message of Old Testament Books: A Plea for Paying Attention to the Redemptive-Historical Context{\textquoteright}, Unio cum Christo: International Journal of Reformed Theology and Life 5/1 [April 2019], 45-60.",
year = "2020",
language = "French",
volume = "71",
pages = "1--23",
journal = "La Revue Reform{\'e}e",
number = "4",